Announcing Rafa & the Wrong Legs

I can’t believe it! My third picture book is coming September 24, 2024 to a bookstore near you. Like all of my books, this one grew out of personal experience. The experience of grabbing onto my mom’s pant leg in the produce section of Peterson’s Market, circa 1981, only to look up and see it WASN’T MY MOM!

I still remember that sinking sensation. The deep humiliation. The sense that the world I knew had dropped right out from under me.

Luckily, it didn’t take long for me to be reunited with the RIGHT LEGS once again.

I’ve experienced this as an adult as well, from the other side of the equation. As recently as LAST WEEK! At a local hamburger joint, a little blonde girl around 4 years old tried to push me out of the way when I reached around her for a napkin. “Abby!” her mom exclaimed. Then we both realized Abby thought I was her mom, and we both had a chuckle. But poor Abby buried her face in her mom’s neck and wouldn’t look up, even though I said, “It’s okay! It’s okay!” five dozen times.

This seems to be a pretty universal experience. I invite you to read along with Rafa as he hugs the wrong legs at the market one day and has to find his way back to the RIGHT ones. BONUS: There are helpful tips at the back for teaching children what to do if they ever get lost in a public place.

Rafa and the Wrong Legs is available for preorder at your favorite bookseller! Order through an independent bookstore if you can. But Barnes & Noble and Amazon are great options too.

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