Time Lapse Snowman: Worth Melting For
“The winter storm, predicted to be one of the worst ever to hit New York City,
failed to deliver much of a blow.... Children stayed home from school,
even in areas with hardly enough snow to build a snowman."
—The New York Times, January 27, 2015
I admit I was sitting over here in brown, brown Utah, feeling a bit jealous of the impending blizzard back East. Yes, we enjoyed a glittering white blanket of snow that draped my beloved landscape, magically, in the wee hours of Christmas morning. But we haven't seen much of the white stuff since. I miss it.
Here is a pictorial representation of what happened in our mere 16 days of winter wonderland. Now, it's just winter, minus the wonderland.
For those of you who did get enough snow to build a snowman, but not enough to overly disrupt your life, don't forget to photograph your snowman's rise...as well as his demise.
December 25
January 6
January 8
January 9
I don't know if I would have bothered to snap these shots, if not for the darling kids in my neighborhood. When our snowman's head fell off and rolled across the grass, the kids walking home from the bus stop did not kick the rest of the snowman apart, as kids are often apt to do.
Instead, they picked up his head, put it back, and even replaced the carrot nose. He was crumbling apart in the morning, and in the afternoon, we came home to find him intact. Now that's adorable. (Did you notice the lone eyeball in the lower right corner of the picture?)
A few days later, when he had melted into a tiny mound, representing the last smidgen of snow left in our south-facing front yard, Keira and I put his little face back together and replaced the scarf. It was his last hurrah.
Just 24 hours later, he was nothing more than a pile of eyes and buttons.
We haven't seen a flake of snow since. Naturally, this was the year my siblings and I gave my parents a snow-blower for Christmas. :)
For your Pinterest pleasure: