Free Journaling Download from RootsTech

I was thrilled to be asked to contribute to RootsTech, the largest family history celebration in the world. This year, the event is fully online and FREE, which has drawn more than 500,000 attendees worldwide who are eager to learn about genealogy, family trees, and the importance of connecting to your roots.

My passion for family history revolves mostly around storytelling and journaling. If you’ve ever thought your life isn’t interesting enough or you’re not a good enough writer to participate in journaling, well, let’s see if I can change your mind.

My presentation, “Write Away: Why Journaling Matters,” outlines the three basic ingredients you need to start telling your personal and family stories—vision, voice, and value.

I also had a blast (and told an embarrassing story from kindergarten!) chatting with Wendy Smedley and Brittany Beattie on a panel discussion that shares storytelling tips for kids.

I created a free PDF download to go with my presentation, which doesn’t appear to be on the RootsTech website. So I’ve included it for you below. Click here to download. Enjoy!

AND…if you sign up and attend live Feb 25-27, 2021, we might even be able to find out if we’re distant cousins!

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